Below are some of the people who have visited our site and wanted to sign our guest book. Please tell others about our website!
Be patient all entries appear as soon as we can approve them.
Matt Harma
Richland, MI, US
Great job on your web site Bob. Keep up the good fight, its all worth it !!!Take care, Matt
Lary Holland
Oscoda, MI, US
If there is anything that I can do to help you, please let me know. IF it is a truly self-evident truth that we are all created equally, and that our liberties are inalieanable because they are derived from the divine, these judges are taking away our inalienable rights & liberties, therefore they must think they are Gods. Stand your Ground and don't give in to thugs that are knocking at your door for protection money.
Jessica Lingenfelter (Evans)
Battle Creek, MI, US
I want to thank Angela Keene-Kennedy for recommending this site to me. I will pass this web site on to others. It has definetly made an impression on me as i was a child of a divorced family. I know alot of people will get wonderful advice from this site. Thanks :)
Douglas Richardson
Essexville , Michigan, US
Let all familys be free from the terror of the system its self, great site and fight. keep up the great work.
Jim Semerad
Lake Orion, MI, US
Robert and Angela, Thank you for your wonderful spirit and inspiration to help ensure that the Best Parent is Both Parents. I know that my Navy friends would love to be parents, but many times the courts do not allow them to be in their childrens lives. I will do everything in my power to change the way our courts criminalize parents.
Darrick Scott-Farnsworth
Augusta, MI, US
Keep up the fight and stay focused.
Doug DeMoss
Trenton, MI, US
I am the founder of now we have several partners in the cause. Anything we can do to assist you let us know. Sign the petition if you have not done so for us....voice your opinion at
Bob, your fight is a good fight, and worth every ounce of energy invested.Research some of the positions of people as they encourage you and try to garner your support. We see one comment in the guestbook that is not consistent with the position taken by the organization in supporting House Bill 4161, which as all should be aware creates the establishment of a custodial environment despite what the closing text of the bill may say. Step very cautiously, it is real easy to be sold out by individuals who are confused about what is a good position to take when defending your inherent right to family.
Glenn Sacks
Los Angeles, California, US
great website, particularly the baseball part.
James Dunn
California, US
Great site! Very supportive of dads. We are behind every effort you make in Michigan to provide shared parenting to fit dads and moms after divorce. Check our efforts in California at
Angela Keene-Kennedy, R.N.
Battle Creek, MI, US
This website is phenomenal!! Bob you have made me so proud with how you are handling all of this. You are an incredible father and it shows each and every time you are able to spend time with your children. Your children DESERVE 50% of their time to be with is their God given right! You continue to amaze me with the energy, time and love you provide to your children. The resources and information available at this site are exceedingly useful. It's your one stop shop for everyday information on today's problematic and insane practices of the Friend of the Court and issues highlighting shared parenting...and of course your updates on baseball!! Go Oakland A's! The number of people you have already reached regarding Michigan House Bill 5267 is simply astonishing. The number of national and international advocates taking interest in your website already has made me again so proud of you. I will continue to introduce new comers to this site. You are right! It IS all about the kids!
Eric Pedersen
Grafton, Wisconsin, US
I love the website! Keep up the great site for a great cause!
Cathy Black
Battle Creek, Mi, US
Gary Beelen
Madison Heights, Michigan, US
I am glad that you are making this available for fathers so that they know that someone is on their side. The state of Michigan is very unfriendly to the fact that a child needs both parents and sometimes the situation at home is not the best. The father doesn't always have to loose his kids, because the mother doesn't want to be married anymore. Many times the Father has to move away for a job. Why wouldn't the family go with him? Society put it to a point in which the fathers are usually judged on their performance in the family, if he performs not to the liking of his spouse, he automatically loses everything. This is the reason why God put us on the earth, to lead our families. In the Marriage vows the minister said for better or for worse. The world and society says, "for better or things are not working out between us." I wish you the best in this fight and support you in this heavy fight for equality of parents rights.
Tim Walberg
Tipton, MI, US
Robert and Angela,Received your card asking for my support of HB5267. As a former State Representative, and now a conservative candidate for Congress in MI-7 I am pleased to support this legislation that has the best interests of the kids in mind...and in fact will ultimately be best for the parents. You can add my name to the list of supporters. All the best.Tim Walberg; Candidate for Congress MI-7
Mike Pedersen
Fishers, IN, US
Lauri Sherry
Macomb Twp., MI, US
How can I help in the fight to get the HB5267 passed.
Marc Pedersen
Atlanta, GA, US
This website truly exemplifies the need for equal custody for both parents. Unfortunately, in many instances, it is the children who lose and suffer from being deprived of one parent. It is disheartening to think that any state would not allow both “fit” parents equal time. This website advocates a cause that every parent would, and/or should support, because it is all in the interest of the children. For the children’s sake, I hope that in time this website will continue to affect others, as it has myself. It is sickening to think of any child being deprived from a loving parent.
Hornell, NY, US
I have recently been served divorce papers from my wife, we have since agreed to make them legal seperation papers to see if things might work out. I am so concerned wiht some of the specifics, such as 3 day visitation notice, liberal and generous visitation, in NY that could mean 1 day a week and every other weekend! There has never been any abuse toward our four children or my wife, the worst I've done is a speeding ticket when I was sixteen. I am a professional firefighter, 15yrs and have a very open work schedule with lots of days off, I have more free time to spend with our children than she for drop and pick up at school,daycare, sports etc what are my chances of getting more visitation than she is offering? I am quite distressed over this so any help would be great. Thanks, John
Steve Chuang
Fremont, CA, US
So glad to found your website for father's right. I am seperated with my wife for many value differences. We are from totally different value family. I own a house in Fremont, California. I registered my son 8.5 years old at the nearby school. I have another 1.5 years old daughter. I am trying hard to keep the house and make a living, including my own business. My bossy wife want to do whatever her way and she has this black/white(hot/cold)mood, zero-patience temper. Many times, I don't have any right in any decision. She purchased a new 4,000 sq ft house and will be completed by September. She will take my son and daughter away and live in that new house. Spent money on Mercedez, BMW with payments.... and seems like she is never end on this material things. Currently, she moved my son and daughter to my evil, money-greedy, "money only" mother-in-law's one bedroom apartment. My daughter was taking care of by my wife's non-English speaking Auntie from Hong Kong by her decision to fly her auntie from Hong Kong.Many time, I have been asked to leave or kicked out when I visit my son and daughter. Many times, due to their own problem, the bad tempered auntie said "if you don't like the way she is taking care my daughter, I can take her back to my house." I replied: "I will take her back" then, she said "I am not allowed" She said she will call the police if I going to take her out of the door. It is so sad to hear my daughter's crying and calling "Daddy" after I close that door and that hopeless, tearing look on her little face...My son's school secretary called me because she heard a rumor of my son will not be this school for the 4th grade, due to my son told the teacher. I told the secreatary that my son is not living with me for many months. She said she will withdraw my son from school. After I told her that I will use father's right to ask my son to live in my house so they keep the space of 4th grade for my son, but, I don't know for how long.My wife got extremely mad and become my fault to reveal the situation to school. So, everything my fault, mistake??? They can insult me as much as they can as a failure, looser, no money, dirty father. Impose those wrong image of me in front of kids. They can keep on brainwashing my son" Daddy has no money, Daddy's house is dirty...." "Daddy is no good, I will find another Daddy for you, Daddy is stupid..." We are not divorced yet. California is a community property State. There must a law to let the father see the child or welcome them back to sleep or proper education on "Value" concept, church, friend not in a foul language environment. Not just let them to decide on anything and I don't have the right to see them or have a good time with the children.
Walt Nash
[email protected]
Grant, MI, US
I have been in continuous battle to see my son for the last 5 years. I now have not seen him in 6 months, with little or no help from FOC or the court system. I have lost all faith in the court system, does anyone have any advice?
Elaine and Paul Pedersen
South Bend, IN, US
Dear Ethan & Katlyn, By creating this website, your daddy has left you a message of love. It's a legacy that will always be there for you to look at someday. He also wants to help others who are struggling against unfair laws and abuse to win time with their children. His loving smiles as he watches both of you, touch the deepest part of our hearts. Our lives have been shocked with this separartion, but we believe good times will follow. We will stay in your lives because you are the sunshine and laughter in our souls. When we hold you or play with you everything becomes peaceful again in our minds. We will always love you, and we are so proud of your Daddy. Our lifetime of love, Grandma & Grandpa Pedersen
Keith Butler
Troy, MI, US
Edward Bartlett
Rockville, MD, US
Marietta, GA, US
It takes two to raise a kid, one to raised a messed up kid.
Fayetteville, Arkansas, US
I am thankful for this site, as a single non-custodial dad...who's not a good court system allot of times doesn’t, in my opinion, recognize that we fathers love our children as much as their mothers; in fact to often are we treated like sperm donors. My daughters mother and I didn’t work out & I moved back to my home in SC, after I was only home for 3 weeks found out that we was preg; I have been traveling every 2 months to see my daughter and finally saved up enough to move back, we haven’t went through the courts and I have been paying child support voluntarily and helping out with all the extra's. I don’t know how long this will last, her mother has been really good about letting me see her and all but I am afraid she may try to use her against me in the future. I am relieved to see that I am not alone in my feelings and am glad to see there is allot of resources out on the web that helps. If anyone is or around NW Arkansas please feel free to contact me, as I would hope I could find a support group in this area. [email protected]
Cory Mackwood
Ada, MI, US
Please support HB 5267. Write all legislators not just your own
Bill Sears
Marietta, GA, US
I love what you are doing! Hey, hang in there "dude." P.S. This is the kid with, in case you were wondering.
Julie Gates, LPN
Battle Creek, MI, US
Angela,I truly enjoyed talking to you at work tonight, and I hope we can join together in working for better rights for children and their fathers, as well as many other issues we discussed. I thank God he gave me the common sense and empathy to realize that, no matter WHAT happened between my daughter's father and I, she was not a "pawn" in some stupid game to be used-her Father was just as much a part of her life as I was...even when it hurt!Best of luck to you both and may God be with you! You are doing a wonderful thing here!Julie AKA JewelsNow remeber, you have to read MY website with an open mind!!! :)
Sam Johnson
Pinckney, Michigan, US
I really enjoyed your site. I'm glad to see that there are more people like myself who think that the system needs to be changed. It's about time to give everybody equal parenting time and joint custody. This issue has been going on too long and it's time to put an end to the court system's micro-management of families. Kudos to those who are working on the rally in Sept. I have printed out flyers for the rally and intend on distributing them to all who wish to come. As for myself, I will be there at 11:00 to join in myself. I would like to thank everybody who worked on this rally because you've given me a chance to join your ranks. Sam Johnson
Jeffrey Thompson
Tampa, FL, US
Bob, I am very excited about your progress, and I think it is amazing how much you have done with this cause in such a short time. I love you, Man!Jeff (My Liver)
Charles Pleune
Orleans, Mi, US
Reform is needed for the Family court system. Right now it should be named the "Destroy the Family" Court.
Nick Kiszka
We are very proud of you!
Adam Ford
Flint, MI, US
I'm currently running for mayor of Flint
Jeremiah Crafton
linden, mi, US
Greg Summers
Thanks for all the work you are doing!
Jon M. Hamilton
Matthews, NC, US
Excellent site!! Keep up the great work for fathers/kids!
james caruana
redford, michigan, US
charles reaves
houston, texas, US
Thanks for the support.Dads deserve rights too.
Bill Gabriel
Swartz Creek, MI, US
Mark Byrne
Port Huron, MI, US
Keep up the great work, I couldn't agree more. Mark ByrneLibertarian for Michigan's 10th District US Congress.
Bill Hall
Rockford, MI, US
Mr. Stephen D. Patrick
Dunwoody, Georgia, US
Thank you for the rally and the proposed HB5267. Lansing, Michigan is my home state. I'm a Georgia Non-Custodial Parent (NCP) and we also are seeking a Shared Parenting Initiative here in Georgia under HB1555. THANK YOU FOR STEPPING UP FOR OUR CHILDREN !!!!!!!!!!!! Family Lawinfo on the law of divorce and related family law matters + regarding the process of litigation« SB 382 Signed Into LawShared Parenting Study Committee Begins MeetingLast Session, the General Assembly passed HR 1555 which creates a Study Committee on Shared Parenting. Study committees are often used to research possible changes to the law and to propose legislation for the upcoming session. We have been hearing that the proponents of child support reform plan to focus their efforts next on a bill to create a presumption that joint custody is appropriate in all cases and expect some version of such a bill to be recommended by this Committee. In other states that have adopted such a law, litigants have to prove that one parent is unfit in order to receive primary custody. In my view, such a policy would make divorces even more contentious and expensive. Additionally, while joint custody works well when divorcing parents get along and can make decisions together, there are many, many divorcing families in which this is simply not the case. Joint custody in those families would be a nightmare for the children. And in families experiencing domestic violence, joint custody gives abusive parents yet another method to abuse and control their victims.The Study Committee members are listed below, along with links to their contact information:Rep. Tom Rice, ChairmanRep. Earl EhrhartRep. Judy ManningRep. Mark ButlerRep. Ed LindseyThe Committee meeting schedule is as follows:- Monday, September 25, 2006, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., 606 Coverdell Legislative Office Building (CLOB) located on Mitchell St. across from the Capitol- Tuesday, October 3, 2006, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., 606 CLOB- Thursday, October 26, 2006, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., 606 CLOBThe Committee will hear from proponents of shared parenting at the first meeting, from opponents at the second meeting, and will discuss any recommendations at the third and final meeting. Meetings will be webcast through the Georgia Legislative Network.Anyone who wishes to speak to the Committee should contact Keith Williams at (404) 463-2763 or [email protected]. If you are not able to attend these meetings, please consider sending the Committee members a letter stating your concerns. It is critical that the Committee hear from those who have an interest in such legislation now - during the child support debate, legislators often complained that they just weren’t hearing from those who had concerns about the bill, so don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard!This entry was posted on Thursday, September 21st, 2006 at 2:00 pm and is filed under Divorce, Child Custody, Legislation and Policy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Darrick Scott-Farnsworth
Augusta, MI, US
Keeping the public informed is the most important function of this site. Please keep supporting our efforts.
Edward Homola
Ishpeming, MI, US
just finally heard about you guys and hb 5267. You have my 100% support!
Simon Date
Portland, Oregon, US
Great website. I should have mine also up very soon. TOgether we can all win this war.
Mark Benson
hudsonville, mi, US
I had 50/50 for nine years, put up a good home on four acers in an excelent school dist. things were fine worked out between the two of us untill she remaried, moved into his home on the other side of town, sued me for custody and won. where am i now? no kids, had to sell the kids home. lost my job 11/15/2006 because they needed my house payment to live. why do these people need 3 incomes. and i have to live on $ 800.00 a month. this is a get rich quick scheem if i ever saw one. Mark A. Benson
Mark Ruby
orion, mi, US
Chad DeRosia
Charlotte, Michigan, US
I agree that BOTH parents should have equal rights post Divorce/Separation.
Clive Purt
Applecross. Australia, Australia, AU
I am happy that so many people care about Children and the wish to ensure post sepraation parenting. Regards,Clive Purt - Australia
Lary Holland
Michigan, US
Just dropping by to let you know all is somewhat well for now. -Lary
joseph cummings
battle creek, mi, US
I have primary physical custody of my daughter and have raised her for 3 years now, she is 5. I receantly lost custody in a tempoary order because I am getting a divorce and am now a single parent. This is an order in a New Mexico court, I live in Michigan. My daughters Mother is now, and has been on intense probation for several felony counts including child abuse. I need serious HELP!!! My daughters life is at stake!
Steve McDonough
Falmouth, MA, US
Timothy Frank
Glendale, Arizona, US
I fully support your effort at restoring an equitable (fair) access to the children. I am a former Michigan resident. Arizona is just as messed up (perhaps worse).
Julie Gates
Battle Creek, Michigan, US
Hi Angela.Just a quick note to tell you that I recommended your site to a woman I met through one of my Gov. harassment groups! She and her fiance are going through what you and your husband endured. Her name is Jen, and she lives in Missouri, but the BS is the same where ever a person lives!We need to take our children back from the System that seeks to control them!I, of course, have a grown child, but she has grandchildren, and Kiana is very "active" and the usual BS is starting already with her!Hoping all is well w/you both! The site is AWESOME! Keep up the good work!Julie Gates LPN (from Laurels)
Kevin Maurer
Kailua , HI , US
I'm a Grandfather and am very mislead by the courts system. Child are not first in the support for there life. The father is a second class person to the mother. When one side is mean to the other both become primary and the child than is secondary. The court goes with the mother, the father is not understanding and may never want to see the child again. Father stops the support and all looses out. The courts need to step back, lawers make money, mom and dad need to be in a more supportive role just like others in AA or other people that need direction. Drugs is a big killer. Testing needs to be mandotory for the partents as the child. I have been married for 31 years and see in both of my children the poor path they sometimes take.
Angela Pedersen RN
Battle Creek, MI, US
Life has been so incredibly busy this past year! I know I tell you everyday how wonderful of a husband and father you are, but I feel you can never receive enough credit for the man you are. I am definitely one lucky woman to share a marriage with such a dedicated man. I am SO proud of you everyday. Your long lasting commitment to your family, your job, as well as this organization, is so admirable. You are so amazing! I know your motivation and drive to fight for what is right and that you will never quit fighting. You are so important to your family-never forget that we love you. To my wonderful husband, best friend, and soul mate-I love you. Your children deserve better and that is at least half of the time with you! A Child's Right: EQUAL time with BOTH fit parents!
Todd Bartczak
Escanaba, Michigan, US
I am a Divorced father that has beaten the system, it was a long hard task it took 7 years and almost consumed me. I was vice president for Fathers for Equal Rights organization, thank God my quest is over, I now have a wonderful relationship with my boys.
ronald byzewski
clinton twp, mich, US
jesse wilson
toronto, ontario, CA
Richard Kerry Thompson
Swartz Creek, MI, US
Thank you so very much
ma, US
scott krasinski
tawas, michigan, US
hello i dont know much about this computor stuff and cant type very good but need help and dont wont to do it with lawers help cant uford itallready put about 8ooo dollars and all im asking for is equel time at least tell me whynot without getting lawers involed
battle creek, michigan, US
Hello Robert!! Just stopping in to say what a great job you are doing.. Your friend, Marcie:)
Robb MacKenzie
covington, Mich 49919, US
Dear Robert Pedersen. It's going to be a pleasure to ride with someone this year. It's deftly a challenge.So is life. We will meet people along the way that are going through the same thing we are. All of the state we are going to be traveling through our beautiful. The people are wonderful and supportive. My daughter gives me to support to accomplish this ride. People ask me about pain. My reply is. The pain isn't nothing. The pain that the court system has caused me in my heart and relationship with my daughter is no comparisons. If this ride changes one child relationship with a parent. It's worth pain in my body. I thank everyone that is involved in this clause. And it will be the joy double trip. It will be a lifetime experience that you'll never forget. We will work together and have a great time. I am looking forward to Aug. 18 and especially Aug. 25th. I invite everyone to get involved. Because it affects all Americans one way or another. I thank you for your time. God bless you all. Sincerely Robb D. MacKenzie.
Mark Brudnak
Grafton, WI, US
If you could post a link to my website 'Why A Son Needs a Dad" I would appreciate it. Feel free to add to my list. Just email me and I will include it if appropriate.Thanks and keep up the good work!!!Mark
Rene' Sahilan
San Diego, California, US
I just went through a custody hearing and very disappointed. WHy can't I find Carol Rhodes' book, "Friend of the Court Enemy of the Family"?
Deb Ohart RN
BAldwin, MI, US
Big supporter
Jim Wozniak
Oceanside, CA., US
Bob, I have the utmost respect for you and this cause. As your friend, I hope and pray that you can be with your children as much as possible. Godspeed Pedy!!!
Linda Hare
South Lyon, MI, US
I continue to support your work for the children who need both parents and are denied this basic right by our court systems. Thank you for the effort you are giving to this cause.
Scott Hudson
Waterford, MI, US
So far - I have lost custody of my 3 year old daughter to my ex, who is French and has moved to France with our daughter. I have unrestricted visitation "rights" provided I give 2 weeks notice. Mother has 10 months per year, I have 2 in summer. 5 day trial - I was allowed NO witnesses because my attorney turned in already prepared witness list one day late! Appeal just took place in COA - my attorney was accused of "niggling". This is insane.
patricia crowder
mcminnville, oregon, US
David Hyatt
Delaware, OH, US
Geri Brown
Oscoda, Michigan, US
Hello it is my pleasure that you have accepted my request to be a member i will do whatever i can to help.
Robert James Brown
Port Huron , Michigan, US
As a displaced Father of 2 I know all too well the unfairness of the Friend Of The Court's Practices! How can I get my copy of "Friend Of The Court,Enemy Of The Family"?
Susan Bicknell
Draper, UT, US
If possible please add link to my web site. We are fighting for the same some. Thank you.
I read this website in hope one day someone fights and changes the law for aunts uncle & grandparents. my brother died 3 years ago and I have not seen his son since that time. I pray just to visit with him once a month, but the courts have no law for us to even fight for that right. I believe that we must do whats best for the child. And life with out grandparents, aunts, cousins, and uncles can not be good for a child, when they known them for 10 years and now their gone.
Posted by: renee Guzman | July 08, 2008 at 05:36 PM
Hi, I just found this site. I myself am a mother of 2 wonderful little boys that haven't seen me in pretty much two years! They were taken from me over a DVO that my mother-in-law had gotten against me. I went to court and agreed to stay away from her and unknown to me MY CHILDREN were on her petition asking for emergency custody and child support. This was never brought up in court so, when the judge asked me if I could agree to stay away from the woman and I said said yes...I agreed to stay away from my babies!!!!! I had my children in my custody for a yr after court until a dispute came about and the police were called. My children were taken from me that day! According to the DVO i wasn't supposed to have them. I am not aware of all my rights and I don't have money for an attorney. As time has gone on, my children haven't been able to have contact with one another either. I think they have seen each other 2 times and spoke a handful of times on the phone. I could use some advice here if anyone can help...
Posted by: Elisabeth Enrriquez | August 02, 2008 at 10:51 AM
This is a great site.
My daughter, Tori Langlois,has been the repeated victim of child neglect due to her mother, Connie Langlois', chronic abuse of alcohol. This is a story of sexual bias and abuse of power by the Oakland County Family Court. I am out of resources and can no longer fight to protect Tori on his own.
In November of 2006, Tori expressed concerns regarding her mother, Connie Langlois' drinking and driving and alcohol abuse in their home to her teacher, Donna Murphy. Tori's school, Our Lady of Refuge, then contacted Child Protective Services (CPS) and John Langlois filed a motion with the Oakland County Family Court. CPS did not feel there was a problem. The Oakland County Family Court then punished Tori for asking for help and removed her father from her daily life.
Connie Langlois, Tori's mother, was then found guilty of child neglect twice by Child Protective Services. In addition, Tori was exposed, on an almost daily basis, to the elder neglect of her Grandmother Ruth Helwig. All three of these incidents occurred after the initial allegations were made by Tori. Ruth Helwig recently passed away. Tori's cry for help has been summarily denied!
It seems that the Oakland County Family Court has in fact sponsored the neglect.
Lori Klein-Shapiro (FOC) Margaret Schiano (GAL), and Rosemary Mazurek (court therapist) are and have been aware of the above evidence yet remain fixed on the position that Tori and others were manipulated into thinking there was a problem.
Tori has had her father/protector removed from her life because he was trying to stop the neglect that was and is most likely still happening. John Langlois has been accused of manipulating Tori into believing that there was a problem in Connie Langlois' home!
This is a clear case of gender bias and abuse of power by the Oakland County Family Court!
Please visit and sign our guestbook.
Thanks for your support!!
Posted by: John Langlois | August 16, 2008 at 05:35 PM
Edmore, MI
Just heard of this site, GOOD JOB!
Posted by: Jon Meyer | August 19, 2008 at 03:03 PM
I spread the shared parenting word everywhere i go,great job,we have a national network as parents to help each other with love compassion,and truth and justice.ken krajewski tolland ,ct
Posted by: ken krajewski | September 02, 2008 at 11:32 PM