04:31 PM in ACFC, achildsright.net, achildsright.org, Alec Baldwin, Big Daddy, Child Support, Children's Rights Council, Co-Parenting, Current Affairs, Cycling4Children, DaddyBlogger, dads, Dads and Moms of Michigan, Darrick Scott-Farnsworth, dcrally2008, Detroit News, Domestic Violence, epbt, Equal Parenting Bike Trek, F4J, F4JUSA, Facebook, Family Law Section, fatherhood, fathers, Friend of the Court, Games, Get Off The Bench, men, Michigan, Michigan Bar, Michigan House, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan House Joint Resolution NN (2008), Music, National Fatherhood Summit, Parental and Civil Rights Alliance, PAS, Personal Protection Order, Phil Wurm, Religion, Robert Pedersen, Ronald Smith, Shared Parenting, Sports, Stephen Baskerville, Support The Movie, Support? System Down, Travel, youtube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Families are faced with an ongoing onslaught from social pressures and ill formed laws. Knowing that there is a problem in our society we need to work hard at advocating for change at every level and every corner of our society and government. In this effort I have compiled a list of links and my own summary that show the thinking and reasons behind organized opposition to Equal Parenting legislation. Please remember that the first problem we face in the battle to give our children equal parenting is apathy, an unwillingness to actually advocate for change and speak to others.
1. http://jeannehannah.typepad.com/blog_jeanne_hannah_traver/2006/10/proposed_joint_.html
2. http://www.now.org/nnt/03-97/father.html
3. http://www.owjn.org/custody/nawl.htm
4. http://abusesurvivors.meetup.com/boards/thread/5575530
5. http://house.michigan.gov/SessionDocs/2007-2008/Testimony/Committee14-5-7-2008-1.pdf
6. http://house.michigan.gov/SessionDocs/2007-2008/Testimony/Committee14-05-07-2008-7.pdf
7. http://house.michigan.gov/SessionDocs/2007-2008/Testimony/Committee14-05-07-2008-8.pdf
8. http://house.michigan.gov/SessionDocs/2007-2008/Testimony/Committee14-05-07-2008-9.pdf
9. http://house.michigan.gov/SessionDocs/2007-2008/Testimony/Committee14-05-07-2008-10.pdf
After reading, being present for and discussing opposition testimony I have formed a summarization of the opposition to a legal presumption to equal physical child custody when child custody is in dispute.
Of course we need to be able to understand and know the responses to every point raised by the opposition and even better know the truth behind their opposition. Please review the links above and prepare your own summarization, create your own response and use it in your advocacy work.
12:27 PM in A Child's Right, ACFC, achildsright.net, achildsright.org, Child Custody, Child Support, Children's Rights Council, Co-Parenting, Current Affairs, DaddyBlogger, dads, Dads and Moms of Michigan, Darrick Scott-Farnsworth, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Equal Parenting, Family Law Reform, Family Law Section, fatherhood, fathers, Friend of the Court, HB4564, men, MichDads, Michigan, Michigan Bar, Michigan House, Michigan House Bill 4564, National Fatherhood Summit, Parental Alienation, Parental and Civil Rights Alliance, PAS, Personal Protection Order, Religion, Shared Parenting, Title IV-D, United Civil Rights Councils of America | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Representative Hoogendyk has been an equal parental rights supporter for families in Lansing and is running for US Senate to be our champion in Washington DC.
07:31 AM in achildsright.net, Child Custody, Child Support, Children's Rights Council, Co-Parenting, Current Affairs, dads, Dads and Moms of Michigan, Darrick Scott-Farnsworth, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Equal Parenting, Family Law Reform, Family Preservation Festival, fatherhood, fathers, Friend of the Court, Get Off The Bench, HB4564, Lary Holland, MichDads, Michigan, Michigan Bar, Michigan House, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan House Joint Resolution NN (2008), Parental Alienation, Parental and Civil Rights Alliance, PAS, Personal Protection Order, Religion, Robert Pedersen, Shared Parenting | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Preserve and Protect Our Parent-Child Relationships
Equal Parents Week Rally
Tuesday September 23rd, 2008
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
East Side Capitol Lansing, Michigan
Contact: Darrick Lynn Scott-Farnsworth (269) 209-7144 [email protected]
Dads and Moms of Michigan, the Family Rights Coalition, A Child’s Right, Children Need Both Parents, Fathers for Equal Rights, Fathers-4-Justice, and Children’s Rights Council invite you to join us in defense of the traditional American family at this historic rally at our State Capitol during Equal Parents Week.
Over 40% of Michigan’s population is being micro-managed by the family court system with disastrous consequences to our children, families and the state economy. Help transform Michigan from a wasteland of broken families into a promised land of healthy families and community renewal.
House Bill 4564, a bill to ensure equal parental responsibility, will result in a presumption of joint custody for fit parents and equal access for children to both their mother and father. Another hearing on this bill is expected this fall if enough public desire is expressed. 2008-House Joint Resolution NN Fundamental Parental Rights constitutional amendment has been supported by 80 representatives but has not had a hearing. It too will be supported and discussed at the rally and needs your attention. Your attendance at this rally will send a strong message in support of HB 4564 and HJR-NN will serve as a demonstration of our will to be equal and have parental rights to our children.
The Equal Parents Week Rally has been organized to bring to the attention of our legislature, our executive branch, our judiciary and the general public that Equal Parental rights are a civil rights issue whose time has come. America’s success was built on strong family bonds and the recognition that both a mother and a father are essential to raising healthy, moral and well adjusted children.
Rally speakers will include nationally-known family advocates, legislators, VIPs, community leaders and parents.
• Contact your legislator to show your support for HB4564 and HJR-NN.
Primary signs and literature will be provided by the rally organizers.
• Print a map, car pool and plan to arrive before 11:00 am for assembly or 10:00 am for setup if you are bring.
• Bring change for meter parking or consult the maps for the location of a public parking structure.
• Dress for the weather with walking shoes and bring a water bottle.
• Bring personal signs, pictures, and regalia.
Need people to use the Lansing area white and yellow pages and invite people to show up. Also let us know if you know any band who would like to perform some tunes for free. Need you to print out or have printed some parental rights and equal parenting handouts to give out. Does anyone have tables they want to setup for material?
Time Slot Speaker
11 AM State Rep Jones
11:15 State Rep Dean
11:25 State Rep De Roche
11:40 State Rep Kim Meltzer
11:50 State Rep Stahl
12:00 PM State Rep Hoogendyk
12:10 State Rep Candidate David Irons
12:20 Chrissy Chrzanowski Split-n-Two
12:40 Drew Thompson of Dads and Moms of MI
12:50 State Rep Polidori
1:00 David Taylor Oakland County FOCAC
1:15 State Rep Candidate Scott Hudson
1:30 Ingham County Comm Candidate Kerr
1:45 Get Off the Bench Lary Holland
05:45 AM in A Child's Right, achildsright.net, achildsright.org, Child Custody, Child Support, dads, Dads and Moms of Michigan, Equal Parenting, Family Law Reform, fatherhood, fathers, HB4564, men, MichDads, Michigan, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan House Joint Resolution NN (2008), noncustodial.meetup.com/73, PAS, Shared Parenting, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Excellent video captured by Bill Gibbons of PA FACE. 2008 Equal Parenting Bike Trek cyclists recognized at the DC Festival 2008. For updates on the Equal Parenting Bike Trek please visit Cycling4Children.com. Congrats to all four cyclists!
08:15 PM in A Child's Right, achildsright.net, achildsright.org, Child Custody, Child Support, epbt, Equal Parenting, Equal Parenting Bike Trek, Family Law Reform, Family Preservation Festival, fatherhood, fathers, Friend of the Court, HB4564, men, Michigan, Michigan House, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan House Joint Resolution NN (2008), Michigan Senate, noncustodial.meetup.com/73, Shared Parenting, Title IV-D, youtube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Detroit News Fatherhood Blogger Robert Pedersen wrote an excellent update on the 2008 Equal Parenting Bike Trek and the upcoming DC Festival 2008.
Make sure you read the article and COMMENT in support of the DC Festival 2008 and Equal Parenting.
View Robert's other articles written for Detroit News.
Please be sure to attend the DC Festival 2008.
Visit Cycling4Children.com for more updates on the Equal Parenting Bike Trek.
2008 Equal Parenting Bike Trek Main Page
06:20 PM in A Child's Right, achildsright.net, achildsright.org, Child Custody, Cycling4Children, dcrally2008, Detroit News, Divorce, epbt, Equal Parenting, Equal Parenting Bike Trek, Family Law Reform, Family Preservation Festival, fatherhood, fathers, Friend of the Court, HB4564, MichDads, Michigan, Michigan Bar, Michigan House, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan House Joint Resolution NN (2008), Michigan Senate, noncustodial.meetup.com/73, Robert Pedersen, Shared Parenting, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Press Release
August 6th 2008
For Immediate Release
Minister Ronald Smith
Robert Pedersen
Grand Rapids, Michigan August 6, 2008 - Brian Downs, a Kent County attorney and candidate for Judge in the Kent County 17th Circuit Court in the November election is riding his bicycle 758 miles from the Capitol in Lansing to the nation's Capitol in Washington DC. Downs along with 3 other riders are signaling a message that Family Courts throughout the nation are not family friendly. The Equal Parenting Bike Trek has been organized to bring attention to what he believes should be reform in the nations court system.
Brian Downs, who has been a family advocate for the past 7 years, believes that it is the duty of our nation to protect the parent child relationship and repair this relationship when necessary so that children maintain a loving relationship with their entire biological family. Downs believes that the nation's family court system does more splitting up of families than protecting and maintaining this most important and primary relationship.
Minister Ronald Smith, CEO of Children Need Both Parents, Inc, a non-profit group located in both Chicago and Grand Rapids stated, "Our family court judges pay little attention to the damage being done to our children removing one or both biological parents from a child's life without making a concerted effort that no stone is left unturned to repair and maintain this God Given relationship."
Downs is scheduled to leave Lansing at 2:00pm EST August 7th and scheduled to arrive at the Family Preservation Festival in DC on August 15-16.
For Interviews Contact:
Minister Ronald Smith
Tel: 616-301-2325
Cell: 616-874-8662
Email: [email protected]
Robert Pedersen
Tel: 269-420-4688
03:41 AM in Child Custody, Co-Parenting, Cycling4Children, dcrally2008, Divorce, Equal Parenting, Equal Parenting Bike Trek, Family Law Reform, Family Law Section, Family Preservation Festival, fatherhood, fathers, Friend of the Court, HB4564, Lansing_, men, Michigan, Michigan Bar, Michigan House, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan House Joint Resolution NN (2008), Michigan Senate, Shared Parenting, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
"Mothers and fathers will have 50-50 rights to their children in a divorce beginning Oct. 1." You can review more information about this in an article written by Jenny Andreasson of The Voice. Ms. Andreasson should have titled the article "Victory for Children" because that is who really wins in all of this.
Benefits of Equal Parenting if both parents are fit and willing.
Who is holding Equal Parenting up in the state of Michigan? Michigan Democrats such as State Senator Mark Schauer, Representative Andy Dillon, Representative Mark Meadows and Representative Andy Coulouris. These Michigan Democrats and several others are holding up the benefits of Equal Parenting in Michigan. They are not serving their constituents - poll after poll shows Michigan voters support Equal Parenting. They support the Michigan Bar Family Law Section which opposses Equal Parenting legislation such as Michigan House Bill 4564.
We are told during election time that Michigan Democrats serve the needs of the common person, however in this case it appears they ignore their constituents while submitting the the demands of the Family Law Section of the Michigan Bar. So - rich attorneys and Michigan Democrats are delaying the benefits Equal Parenting brings to children, parents and society. CONSIDER THIS WHEN YOU VOTE IN NOVEMBER!
10:59 AM in Child Custody, Co-Parenting, dads, Divorce, Equal Parenting, Family Law Reform, fatherhood, fathers, Friend of the Court, HB4564, men, Michigan, Michigan Bar, Michigan House, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Senate, noncustodial.meetup.com/73, PAS, Shared Parenting, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
A Child's Right recently launched the Parental and Civil Rights Alliance. The rare opportunity to form a Meetup Alliance is by invite only and not open to the general public. Quite the honor! In less than two days this Alliance already has 26 organizations that have joined with over 53,000 collective members! Incredible results in a short period of time and we expect the Parental and Civil Rights Alliance to be listed in the Top 10 Largest Meetup Alliance list.
Please join the Parental and Civil Rights Alliance. Great way to pull more people into your local group. 26 groups and growing!
Only those who want to start a group or already have one (via Meetup, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, active website, etc.) can join the Parental and Civil Rights Alliance right now. If you don't want to be a group organizer, you can find an existing group on the internet, Meetup, Facebook, MySpace, etc and ask them to join the alliance. Or start your own group right here in the Parental and Civil Rights Alliance.
If you have a leadership role in a local group or organization you should join the Parental and Civil Rights Alliance for the following benefits:
1) The Parental and Civil Rights Alliance is a fantastic tool to help parental and civil rights activists all over the country to meet and organize in person.
2) Network with similar organizations and groups to increase turnout at your local events.
3) Learn from the successes and failures of local groups.
4) Give your local organization an additional web presence with link. Thousands of people visit the main page for Meetup Alliance daily and look for a local group in their area...look at it like the yellow pages – but this is free!
5) Increase your membership totals in your local organization. The Parental and Civil Rights Alliance allows those who come across it on the internet to search for a local group in their area.
6) Want to carpool to a national event? Research local groups and consolidate resources for a successful turnout.
7) Network with Meetup groups, Yahoo groups, Facebook groups, MySpace groups and more!
8) Expose your next event or meeting to a national audience!
9) Create your own group's resource page.
10) Finally create an international coalition of parental and civil rights activists!
Creating your own Alliance is not open to the public and the chance to grow this was given to me on an invite only basis from Meetup. They are still in a Beta run and new features will be added very soon!
Meetup Alliance is the best way for leaders of local groups to share, learn and communicate.
Joining is free and will only take a minute. Just click the link below:
01:28 PM in A Child's Right, achildsright.net, achildsright.org, Child Custody, Child Support, dads, Divorce, Equal Parenting, Facebook, fatherhood, fathers, Friend of the Court, HB4564, men, Michigan, myspace, noncustodial.meetup.com/73, Parental and Civil Rights Alliance, Title IV-D, youtube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
2009 Cycling4Children - Equal Parenting Bike Trek - Cycling 800 miles for Family Preservation and Equal Parenting Rights.
**A New Route**
**A Greater Focus on Media Coverage**
**A More Successful Event**
**New Sponsorships**
**New Logo**
**Cyclists Dedicated to More Than Just Pedaling Their Bicycle - Driving Media Coverage and Legislation for Equal Parenting is Top Priority**
2009 Cyclists *More to be added after review*
Robert Pedersen - A Child's Right. 2007 Cyclist.
Mike Saxton - F4J
Derek Bailey, MSW - Deletece4Equality
NANCM Cyclist - to be named soon.
06:33 PM in A Child's Right, achildsright.net, achildsright.org, Child Custody, Child Support, Co-Parenting, Cycling4Children, dads, Equal Parenting, Equal Parenting Bike Trek, Family Law Reform, Family Law Section, Family Preservation Festival, fatherhood, fathers, Friend of the Court, HB4564, Michigan, Robert Pedersen, Shared Parenting, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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